By submitting your artworks for entry/consideration via Gallery 247 you agree to comply with the following Terms and Conditions.
Physical Art Show Terms and Conditions
- Each art work will be for sale at the price nominated by the artist on the entry form. Artist’s must remember to include GST where applicable.
- All entries must be made through the Gallery 247 on-line art show management system before the closing time and date.
- Types, numbers and sizes of art works must conform to the Acceptable Art Works section of this website. The selection panel can choose to exclude any artwork and reserve the right not to exhibit any work they deem inappropriate for the exhibition.
- If a submitted artwork has been sold prior to acceptance, a substitute artwork may be submitted in its place. No penalty or additional fee will apply.
- All entries will undergo a Pre-Selection Process and artists will be notified by the notification date as listed here. The Organisers reserve the right to not accept a work of art and to limit the number of exhibits.
- After acceptance for hanging in the art show, substitution of the artwork by another artwork is not permitted.
- It is the responsibility of the artist to ensure all work offered for exhibition meets all conditions of entry.
ELIGIBILITY: The Exhibition is open to all artists.
- Youth Section must be aged 18 years or less on 1 May of current year.
- Junior Section must be aged 12 years or less on 1 May of current year.
- Shall be such person or persons selected by the Clare Art Show committee.
- If the judge does not award a prize in any category the prize monies shall be carried forward to the next Art Show held by The Rotary Club of Clare Inc.
- The decision of the Judge(s) is final.
- A maximum of three (3) exhibits per artist
- All paintings entered as pairs or triplets are counted as individual paintings
- Due to the capacity of the display area, final acceptances will consider the limitation of space. Maximum of 550 entries will be accepted.
- No exhibit may be awarded more than one prize, apart from the “People’s Choice” prize.
- The winner of any acquisitive prizes will receive the full amount of prize money. Please consider the amount of the prize money in comparison to the sale price of the painting when filling out your entry form.
- Entries awarded acquisitive prize become the property of the business/organisation donating the prize.
Paintings (2D art) and Sculptures (3D art) must:
- be the original work of the artist,
- be in permanent media,
- not have been exhibited at the Clare Art Show for more than 2 shows,
- have been executed within two years of the Art Show,
- not exceed a maximum size, including frame, of 1.0 square metres or 1.5 metres on any one side of the painting. Paintings over this size will attract a higher acceptance/hanging fee.
- artworks must be suitably FRAMED or MOUNTED FOR HANGING, using picture wire only,
- Youth and Junior entries need not be framed but must have sound provision for hanging.
- Sculptures exceeding 80kg in weight and 1.2 cubic metres in volume require pre-show approval.
The Clare Valley Section - entries in this category should depict any readily recognisable aspect of the environment, industry or people of the Clare Valley.
Portrait of Local Identity - entries in this category should be a portrait of a local identity who resides or did reside in the Clare Valley (within 50kms of the Clare Post Office).
Drawing is a two dimensional artwork created from lines or tones that is dominated by a dry medium but can include wet mediums such as ink and washes of paint.
Must be completed on line using Gallery 247.
Submission Fees are non-refundable. Acceptance/Hanging Fee is payable upon artwork being approved by the selection panel. Youth and Junior entries do not attract the Acceptance/Hanging Fee. See >Fees & Commissions for costs.
- All artworks will remain on view whether sold or not, until the close of the Exhibition.
- Artists will be advised by email or SMS if their art work is sold.
- Information on and during the exhibition will also updated regularly on the Clare Rotary Art Exhibition Facebook page. (Please "Like" our page).
- Deliveries must be free of charge, to the Clare Town Hall Function Room, Main North Road, Clare. See Key Dates & Locations for details.
- Late delivery of exhibits cannot be accepted.
- Exhibits must be packaged appropriately.
- Freight company providing services to Clare - see Delivery of Works.
- Rotary Club of Clare free pick up service from Adelaide & Elizabeth (does not include sculptures). See Key Dates & Locations for details.
- Collected from Clare Town Hall. See Key Dates & Locations for details.
- Rotary Club of Clare free return of entries to Adelaide and Elizabeth (does not include sculptures). See Key Dates & Locations for details.
- Art not collected by dates and times stipulated from Clare Town Hall, or at the Adelaide and Elizabeth collection times, then works will be returned to the artist cash on deliver (COD) to the address that has been provided on the entry
- Phone enquiries: During Exhibition open hours (only) 0418 894 304 or use see current contact details.
- All entries must be for sale at the price indicated upon submission of entry via Gallery 247.
- The price of an entry cannot be altered once it has been received.*
- Price on application (POA) will not be accepted on any entry.
- In the event of a sale, The Rotary Club of Clare Inc will charge a commission for Adult entries to be used for community projects. See Fees & Commission.
- Exhibits sold will carry a red sticker. Artists should check with the sales desk to confirm that the sticker has been correctly affixed. No responsibility can be accepted for stickers affixed in error.
- The Rotary Club of Clare reserves the right to reject any entry, to limit the number of exhibits on display, and to not award a prize in a particular section if the Judge(s) considers that no work of sufficient merit has been entered.
- For the proper and orderly conduct of the Art Show, the Rotary Club of Clare Inc also reserves the right, in its sole discretion, at any time and without prior notice to amend, alter or vary any of the conditions of the entry or to do any other thing which it deems fit.
- The Rotary Club of Clare Inc reserves the right to publish the artists name (but not the artists address or other personal information) and a photograph of any entries in the exhibition catalogue, artist’s newsletter, newspaper and the Rotary Club of Clare Inc web site and Facebook pages.
All reasonable care will be exercised in the handling of submitted works. However, no responsibility will be accepted by the Rotary Club of Clare for the loss or damage of any works or packaging while in transit to or from the Exhibition or while in the custody of the organisers or their agents.
The provision of suitable insurance cover is the responsibility of the artist for the transport of exhibits to and from the exhibition and for the duration of the Exhibition.
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