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Bright Abstract by Lorraine Barclay

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ARTIST NOTES: Bright Abstract by Lorraine Barclay - On a dull winters day I was inspired to paint something bright to bring some cheer to the day.

Using the complementary colours of Green and Red works wonderfully well in this abstract piece.  What can you see in this painting?  Perhaps some palm trees in the wind, or you can just enjoy the colours and movement.

The original, acrylic on canvas painting is unframed, ready to hang.

DIMENSIONS (Height - 76.00 cm X Width - 76.00 cm )
MEDIUM ON BASE Acrylic on Canvas
GENRE Abstract
REGISTERED NRN # 000-39796-0139-01
COPYRIGHT © Lorraine Barclay


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Artist: Lorraine Barclay


Painting has always held a special place in my heart and is where my true passion lies. In recent years I have extended my focus to learn and refine my skills in quilting, felt making, candlewicking, silk scarf painting and silk card making.

Throughout my career I have explored many different styles and worked with a variety of materials.  Much of my inspiration has been drawn from nature itself, most notably South Australia’s Flinders Rangers, playing with vibrant colours and textures to create my art.  Today, my portfolio features impressionistic scenes working with acrylic on canvas, allowing my work to create itself as the paint takes form on the canvas.

I enjoy sharing my work with others and have participated in many local exhibitions. My most recent exhibit was part of the South Australian Living Artist Festival at Art Expression @ 123 Fisher where my painting, Beach Scene, also featured in SA Life magazine and various promotional materials.

My original artworks can also be viewed on my Instagram page, @lorraine_barclay for your pleasure.